Around the tail end of 2021 I started looking through used book sites for tech books because new ones are very expensive. I discovered a few things: old tech books are dirt cheap, a lot of the basics haven't changed all that much, and a lot of the old books had fantastic covers. I decided to buy a few, partially for decoration, partially because they're fun to look through, and partially because they're cheap. You can click on any image to get a bigger image if that's what you're into.
I started posting just the books with interesting covers and then I got carried away and did the rest of them, too. You might notice a lot of O'Reilly books. I went through a phase.
My definition of a 'tech book' is anything that has technical content or that tries to teach you something. That's why things like The Cathedral and the Bazaar aren't on this list. Also, The Cathedral and the Bazaar is a mess and I only managed to read about a third of it before giving up and going to read anything else.
Unless noted, if a book appears on this list, that shouldn't imply any endorsement or that I've gotten around to reading it.
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Title: .NET and XML Edition: Author(s): Niel Bornstein Published: November 2003 ISBN: 9780596003975 |
Title: 9front Dash 1 Manual Edition: SURVIVAL EVASION AND ESCAPE Author(s): 9front users Published: 2022 ISBN: 978-1-4357-8810-7 |
Title: 9front Dash 1 Manual Edition: The Golden Age of Ballooning Author(s): 9front Users Published: November 2022 ISBN: |
Title: 9front Dash 1 Manual Edition: DON'T TOUCH THE ARTWORK Author(s): 9front Users Published: July 6, 2023 ISBN: 9781312366305 |
Title: 9front Dash 1 Manual Edition: HUMANBIOLOGICS Author(s): 9front users Published: 2023 ISBN: 9781304882233 |
Title: 9front Dash 1 Manual Edition: DO NOT INSTALL Author(s): 9front users Published: May 2024 ISBN: 9781304402318 |
Title: 9front Dash 1 manual Edition: CALLING DTRACY Author(s): 9front users Published: December 2018 ISBN: 9781793390097 |
Title: 9front Dash 1 manual Edition: COMMUNITY VS INFRASTRUCTURE Author(s): 9front users Published: December 2021 ISBN: 9781300342366 |
Title: 9front Dash 1 manual Edition: EMAILSCHADEN Author(s): 9front users Published: October 2020 ISBN: 9798553936891 |
Title: 9front Dash 1 manual Edition: MIT FRUCHTGESCHMACK Author(s): 9front users Published: April 2021 ISBN: 9798734290781 |
Title: 9front Dash 1 manual Edition: NO THINKPAD Author(s): 9front users Published: October 2019 ISBN: 9781697699845 |
Title: 9front Dash 1 manual Edition: PLAN9-HATERS Author(s): 9front users Published: May 2020 ISBN: 9798649207539 |
Title: 9front Dash 1 manual Edition: SKIN OF EVIL Author(s): 9front users Published: May 2019 ISBN: 9781099171567 |
Title: 9front Programmer's Manual V1 Edition: Author(s): Published: May 2019 ISBN: 9781099522901 |
Title: 9front Programmer's Manual V2 Edition: Author(s): Published: May 2019 ISBN: 9781099806308 |
Title: 9front Programmer's Manual V3 Edition: Author(s): Published: June 2019 ISBN: 9781074848170 |
Title: 9front Programmer's Manual V4 Edition: Author(s): Published: June 2019 ISBN: 9781074854171 |
Title: 9front Programmer's Manual V5 Edition: Author(s): Published: June 2019 ISBN: 9781075079399 |
Title: 9front Programmer's Manual V6 Edition: Author(s): Published: June 2019 ISBN: 9781075301797 |
Title: 9front Programmer's Manual V7 Edition: Author(s): Published: June 2019 ISBN: 9781075485657 |
Title: 9front Programmer's Manual V8 Edition: Author(s): Published: June 2019 ISBN: 9781075487712 |
Title: AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal Edition: Vol. 63 No. 8 Part 2 Author(s): Published: October 1984 ISBN: |
n.a |
Title: Absolute Beginner's Guide to C Edition: 2nd Edition Author(s): Greg Perry Published: April 1994 ISBN: 9780672305108 |
Title: Absolute FreeBSD Edition: 3rd Edition Author(s): Michael W. Lucas Published: December 2018 ISBN: 9781593278922 |
Title: Absolute OpenBSD Edition: 2nd Edition Author(s): Michael W. Lucas Published: May 2013 ISBN: 9781593274764 |
Title: Advanced Unix Programming Edition: Author(s): Marc J. Rochkind Published: December 1985 ISBN: 9780130118004 |
Title: Beginning SQL Programming Edition: Author(s): John Kauffman, Brian Matsik, Kevin Spencer with Ian Herbert, Julian Skinner, Sakhr Youness Published: December 2001 ISBN: 9781861001801 |
Title: Beyond the Basic Stuff With Python Edition: Author(s): Al Sweigart Published: December 2020 ISBN: 9781593279660 |
Title: CSS Cookbook Edition: 3rd Edition Author(s): Christopher Schmitt Published: December 2009 ISBN: 9780596155933 |
Title: Compilers - Principles, Techniques, and Tools Edition: Author(s): Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman Published: ISBN: |
Title: Computer Graphics Primer Edition: Author(s): Mitchell Waite Published: 1979 ISBN: |
Dust jacket is long gone |
Title: Computers Those Amazing Machines Edition: Author(s): Catherine O'Neill Grace Published: 1985 ISBN: 9780870445798 |
Title: Computers are Fun Edition: First Author(s): William Published: Unknown, probably somewhere around 1986 ISBN: Haha |
A small book that I made some time during my elementary school days, probably as part of a class project. I had completely forgotten about this until my mother dug it out of some old boxes. Contains a few worksheets related to the computers of the day: a Commodore keyboard, punch cards, tape recorders, and so on. |
Title: Cybersecurity Myths and Misconceptions: Avoiding the Hazards and Pitfalls that Derail Us Edition: Author(s): Eugene Spafford, Leigh Metcalf, Josiah Dykstra Published: February 2023 ISBN: 9780137929238 |
Title: DNS and BIND Edition: Fifth Edition Author(s): Cricket Liu & Paul Albitz Published: December 2006 ISBN: 9780596100575 |
Title: Data Structures the Fun Way Edition: Author(s): Jeremy Kubica Published: September 2022 ISBN: 9781718502604 |
Title: Devops for the Desperate Edition: Author(s): Bradley Smith Published: 2022 ISBN: 9781718502482 |
Title: Doing Math with Python Edition: Author(s): Amit Saha Published: 2015 ISBN: 978-1-59327-640-9 |
I found this in the kids' section of a thrift store |
Title: Easy-to-understand Guide to Home Computers Edition: Author(s): The Editors of Consumer Guide Published: ISBN: |
Title: GW/Basic User's Guide Edition: Author(s): Published: ISBN: |
Title: HTML & XHTML The Definitive Guide Edition: 6th edition Author(s): Chuck Musciano & Bill Kennedy Published: October 2006 ISBN: 9780596527327 |
Title: HTML 4 for Dummies Quick Reference Edition: Author(s): Deborah S. Ray & Eric J. Ray Published: August 2000 ISBN: 9780764507212 |
Title: HTML5 Up and Running Edition: Author(s): Mark Pilgrim Published: August 2010 ISBN: 9780596806026 |
Title: HTTP The Definitive Guide Edition: Author(s): David Gourley & Brian Totty with Marjorie Sayer, Sailu Reddy & Ansbu Aggarwal Published: December 2002 ISBN: 9781565925090 |
Title: Hardware Hacking Edition: Author(s): Lee Barken, Marcus R. Brown, Job de Haas, Deborah Kaplan, Bobby Kinstle, Tom Owad, Ryan Russell, Albert Yarusso Published: December 2004 ISBN: 9781932266832 |
Title: How Cybersecurity Really Works Edition: Author(s): Sam Grubb Published: 2021 ISBN: 9781718501287 |
Title: IRC Hacks Edition: Author(s): Paul Mutton Published: December 2004 ISBN: 9780596006877 |
Title: ITIL Foundation Exam Study Guide Edition: Author(s): Liz Gallacher and Helen Morris Published: ISBN: |
Title: Internet and World Wide Web Simplified Edition: 2nd Edition Author(s): Paul Whitehead and Ruth Maran Published: 1997 ISBN: 0-7645-6029-8 |
Recommended by Satisfied Users #4,030,978 and #4,030,979 |
Title: Introducing Regular Expressions Edition: Author(s): Michael Fitzgerald Published: August 2012 ISBN: 9781449392680 |
Title: Javascript Crash Course Edition: Author(s): Nick Morgan Published: January 2024 ISBN: 9781718502260 |
Title: Javascript the Definitive Guide Edition: 5th Edition Author(s): David Flanagan Published: August 2006 ISBN: 9780596101992 |
Title: Kids' Guide to the Internet Edition: Author(s): Bruce Goldstone and Arthur Perley, illustrated by Dan Regan Published: December 1996 ISBN: 9780816741311 |
Title: Learn Java the Easy Eay Edition: Author(s): Bryson Payne Published: ISBN: |
I found this in the kids' section of a thrift store |
Title: Learning C# 3.0 Edition: Author(s): Jesse Liberty & Brian MacDonald Published: November 2008 ISBN: 9780596521066 |
Title: Learning GNU Emacs Edition: 3rd Edition Author(s): Debra Cameron, James Elliott, Marc Loy, Eric Raymond & Bill Rosenblatt Published: December 2004 ISBN: 9780596006488 |
Title: Learning PHP, MySQL, & JavaScript Edition: Author(s): Robin Nixon Published: July 2009 ISBN: 9780596157135 |
Title: Learning Perl Edition: 4th Edition Author(s): Randall L. Schwartz, Tom Phoenix & brian d foy Published: December 2005 ISBN: 9780596101053 |
Title: Learning Python Edition: 5th edition Author(s): Mark Lutz Published: December 2013 ISBN: 9781449355739 |
This is the big one |
Title: Learning XML Edition: 2nd Edition Author(s): Erik T. Ray Published: October 2003 ISBN: 9780596004200 |
Title: Learning XSLT Edition: Author(s): Michael Fitzgerald Published: December 2003 ISBN: 9780596003272 |
Title: Learning the bash Shell Edition: 3rd Edition Author(s): Cameron Newham & Bill Rosenblatt Published: December 2005 ISBN: 9780596009656 |
Title: Learning the vi and Vim Editors Edition: 7th Edition Author(s): Arnold Robbins, Elbert Hannah & Linda Lamb Published: ISBN: |
Title: Life With UNIX - A Guide for Everyone Edition: Special Edition Author(s): Don Libes, Sandy Ressler Published: December 1989 ISBN: 9780135366578 |
Title: Linux Complete Edition: Author(s): The Linux Documentation Project, compiled by Grant Taylor Published: December 2001 ISBN: 9780782140361 |
"World's #1 Linux Value" |
Title: Mathematics and Computers Edition: Author(s): George R Stibitz and James A Larrivee Published: 1957 ISBN: LOL |
Ex-library copy from the Loyola College Library in Baltimore, Maryland |
Title: Microsoft Office 2000 Simplified Edition: Author(s): Ruth Maran Published: May 1999 ISBN: 0764560522 |
Title: Modern Operating Systems Edition: Second Author(s): Andrew S. Tanenbaum Published: ISBN: 9780130313584 |
Title: Modern System Administration Edition: Author(s): Jennifer Davis Published: November 2022 ISBN: 9781492055211 |
Title: Networking for System Administrators Edition: Author(s): Michael W. Lucas Published: January 2015 ISBN: 1642350338 |
Title: Once Upon an Algorithm: How Stories Explain Computing Edition: Author(s): Martin Erwig Published: 2017 ISBN: 9780262036634 |
Title: Operating System Concepts Edition: Fifth Author(s): Silberschatz, Galvin Published: ISBN: |
Title: Operating System Concepts Edition: Seventh Edition Author(s): Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne Published: 2004 ISBN: 9780471694663 |
Title: Perl in a Nutshell Edition: 2nd Edition Author(s): Nathan Patwardhan, Ellen Siever & Stephen Spainhour Published: ISBN: |
Title: Powershell for Sysadmins Edition: Author(s): Adam Bertram Published: 2020 ISBN: 9781593279189 |
Title: Practical SQL Edition: 2nd Author(s): Anthony DeBarros Published: 1/25/2022 ISBN: 9781718501065 |
Title: Practical Vulnerability Management Edition: Author(s): Andrew Magnusson Published: September 2020 ISBN: 9781593279882 |
Title: Programming Web Services with SOAP Edition: Author(s): James Snell, Doug Tidwell, & Pavel Kulchenko Published: December 2002 ISBN: 9780596000950 |
Title: Programming Web Services with XML-RPC Edition: Author(s): Simon St. Laurent, Joe Johnston & Edd Dumbill. Foreword by Dave Winer Published: July 2001 ISBN: 9780596001193 |
Title: Running Linux Edition: 2nd Edition Author(s): Matt Welsh and Lar Kaufman Published: ISBN: |
Title: Software Tools Edition: Author(s): Kernighan, Plauger Published: December 1976 ISBN: 9780201036695 |
Title: TCP/IP Network Administration Edition: 3rd Edition Author(s): Craig Hunt Published: April 2002 ISBN: 9780596002978 |
Title: TeX for the Impatient Edition: Author(s): Paul W. Abrahams, Karl Berry, Kathryn A. Hargreaves Published: December 1990 ISBN: 9780201513752 |
Title: Teach Yourself Linux Programming in 24 Hours Edition: Author(s): Warren W. Gay Published: ISBN: |
Title: Teach Yourself Visually Computers Edition: 3rd Author(s): Ruth Maran, Paul Whitehead Published: 2001 ISBN: 0764535250 |
I found this in the kids' section of a thrift store |
Title: The AWK Programming Languange Edition: Author(s): Alfred V. Aho, Brian W. Kernighan, Peter J. Weinberger Published: December 1988 ISBN: 9780201079814 |
Title: The Book of pf Edition: 3rd Edition Author(s): Peter N.M. Hansteen Published: 2014 ISBN: 9781593275891 |
Title: The Complete April Fools' Day RFCs Edition: Author(s): Thomas A. Limoncelli, Peter H. Salus Published: 2007 ISBN: 1573980420 |
Title: The Digital Designer's Bible Edition: Author(s): Alastair Campbell, Alistair Dabbs Published: December 2005 ISBN: 9780060588328 |
Title: The Org Mode 9 Reference Manual Edition: Author(s): Carsten Dominik Published: 2016 ISBN: 9789888406852 |
I had a coupon |
Title: The Recursive Book of Recursion Edition: Author(s): Al Sweigart Published: July 2020 ISBN: 9781718502024 |
Title: The SGML Handbook Edition: Author(s): Charles F. Goldfarb Published: December 1991 ISBN: 9780198537373 |
Title: The Secret Life of Programs Edition: Author(s): Jonathan E. Steinhart Published: August 2019 ISBN: 9781593279707 |
Title: The UNIX Programming Environment Edition: Author(s): Brian W. Kernighan, Rob Pike Published: ISBN: |
Title: The Waite Group UNIX Papers for UNIX Developers and Power Users Edition: Author(s): Published: ISBN: |
Title: The Waite Group's UNIX Communications Edition: 2nd Edition Author(s): Bart Anderson, Barry Costales, Harry Henderson Published: December 1991 ISBN: 9780672227738 |
Title: The Waite Group's Unix Primer Plus Edition: Second Edition Author(s): Waite, Martin, and Prata Published: ISBN: |
The 'handy tear-out cards' appear to be intact |
Title: The Waite Group's Unix System V Bible Edition: Author(s): Stephen Prata, Donald Martin Published: ISBN: |
Title: The Waite Group: Tricks of the UNIX Masters Edition: Author(s): Russell G. Sage Published: November 1986 ISBN: 9780672224492 |
Title: Time Management for System Administrators Edition: Author(s): Thomas A. Limoncelli Published: November 2005 ISBN: 9780596007836 |
Title: UNIX Programmer's Reference Edition: Author(s): John J. Valley Published: December 1991 ISBN: 9780880225366 |
Title: UNIX Shell Commands Quick Reference Edition: Author(s): William Holliker Published: December 1990 ISBN: 9780880225724 |
Title: UNIX for the Impatient Edition: 2nd Edition Author(s): Paul W. Abrahams, Bruce R. Larson Published: ISBN: |
Title: Unix Systems Advanced Administration and Management Handbook Edition: Author(s): Bruce H. Hunter, Karen Bradford Hunter Published: ISBN: |
Title: Using Unix By Example Edition: Author(s): P.C. Poole & N. Poole Published: December 1985 ISBN: 9780201185355 |
Title: VBScript in a Nutshell Edition: 2nd Edition Author(s): Paul Lomax, Matt Childs & Ron Petrusha Published: December 2003 ISBN: 9780596004880 |
Title: Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL Edition: 2nd Edition Author(s): Hugh E. Williams & David Lane Published: May 2004 ISBN: 9780596005436 |
Title: Web Design in a Nutshell Edition: 2nd Edition Author(s): Jennifer Niederst Published: October 2001 ISBN: 9780596001964 |
Title: Web Design in a Nutshell Edition: 3rd Edition Author(s): Jennifer Niederst Robbins Published: ISBN: 9780596009878 |
Title: Web Services Essentials Edition: Author(s): Ethan Cerami Published: February 2002 ISBN: 9788173663390 |
Title: Windows 98 Simplified Edition: Author(s): Ruth Maran Published: ISBN: |
Title: Windows XP Simplified Edition: Author(s): Ruth Maran Published: October 2001 ISBN: 0764536184 |
Title: XForms Essentials Edition: Author(s): Micah Dubinko Published: December 2003 ISBN: 9780596003692 |
Title: XML How to Program Edition: Author(s): Deitel, Deitel, Nieto, Lin & Sadhu Published: ISBN: |
Title: XML Schema Edition: Author(s): Eric van der Vlist Published: June 2002 ISBN: 9780596002527 |
Title: XML in a Nutshell Edition: Author(s): Elliotte Rusty Harold & W. Scott Means Published: December 2001 ISBN: 9780596000585 |
Title: XML in a Nutshell Edition: 3rd edition Author(s): Elliotte Rusty Harold & W. Scott Means Published: September 2004 ISBN: 9781932690453 ? |
Title: XPath and XPointer Edition: Author(s): John E. Simpson Published: July 2002 ISBN: 9780596002916 |
Title: XSLT Edition: 2nd Edition Author(s): Doug Tidwell Published: December 2008 ISBN: 9780596527211 |
Title: XSLT 1.0 Pocket Reference Edition: Author(s): Evan Lenz Published: August 2005 ISBN: 9780596100087 |
Title: XSLT Cookbook Edition: 2nd Edition Author(s): Sal Mangano Published: December 2005 ISBN: 9780596009748 |
Title: You Can Surf the net! Edition: Author(s): Marc Gascoigne Published: November 1996 ISBN: |
It's here. It's now. It's the future. |
Title: e-Business & e-Commerce How to Program Edition: Author(s): Deitel, Deitel & Nieto Published: December 2000 ISBN: 9780130284198 |
Title: teach yourself C++ in 24 hours Edition: Author(s): Jesse Liberty Published: ISBN: |