May contain images
I talk about the Internet in general
Enter the obvious reference - May 2021
On a whim I installed a decentralized communication platform on a domain that I didn't have any better use for.
Tagged with: matrix, element, synapse, software, decentralization
Care and feeding of Internet trolls - May 2021
I almost engaged with an Internet troll, but then I remembered the Old Advice.
Tagged with: Internet (with a big 'I'), advice to myself
Matrix Status Update - June 2021
It's been about a month since I installed Matrix. I have thoughts.
Tagged with: matrix, element, synapse, software, decentralization, redux
I've decided to stop paying attention to my web stats - September 2021
I historically have spent way too much time obsessing over my website's statistics. I decide to stop.
Tagged with: statistics, statistical errors
The Return of the Old Internet - January 2022
Every once in a while someone tells me that the Old Internet is making a comeback. I thought about it and this is what I came up with.
Tagged with: social media, two internets
Mastodon vs. Email - April 2022
I keep seeing people complain that they can't join Mastodon because of a litany of reasons. Reasons that seem to apply equally to email as they do to the Fediverse.
Tagged with: social media, fediverse, twitter, mastodon
Thoughts on the Fediverse - 16 Nov 2022
Twitter appears to be circling the drain. Now is a great time to jump into the Fediverse. Or is it?
Tagged with: tortured metaphors, fediverse, twitter not twitter
Who needs comment sections anyway? - 11 Jan 2023
Do you need to enable commments to have a blog? Spoilers: no.
Tagged with: like, share, and subscribe
No Comment February 2023 - 6 Jun 2023
In February of 2023 I did an experiment to see what it would be like if I ignored internet comments for a whole month.
Tagged with: Internet, comments, forums
The World Wide Web is Almost Unusable - 14 Dec 2023
It's been a long time coming, but 2023 was the tipping point for me. I no longer consider the World Wide Web to be generally usable.
Tagged with: Internet, clubhouses, megacorps
I have opinions about things.
I talk about video games
Skylanders - July 2021
I accidentally started collecting Skylanders a while back, but what am I going to do with them?
Tagged with: skylanders, collecting, theory
Super Console X - July 2021
I got hold of a small multi-emulator thing for playing games that I already had (of course). Is it worth the pittance I paid for it? Spoiler: kind-of.
Tagged with: amazon, junk, I'd buy that for $5
Can video games be art? - August 2021
In 2005, Roger Ebert said that video games can never be art. Now that he's dead and can't respond, I figured it was time to weigh in.
Tagged with: commentary, late to the party, why is this an issue?
I get meta and talk about this site
I have thoughts. Sometimes I write them down so you can think them too.
Technical Obligations - June 2021
If someone has the means, are they obligated to facilitate the usage of the Internet to those that might not (yet) have similar means?
Tagged with: software, theory, obligations, rambling
Software I Use - May 2022
I compare recommending software to pizza toppings. Don't worry, it's short.
Tagged with: tortured metaphors, software, oh no - this again
RSS media - October 2024
I lay out a hare-brained scheme to replace social media with rss feeds.
Tagged with: social media, rss, wacky ideas
Why I'm not on social media - January 2025
I get asked a lot why I'm not on social media, so I wrote a page that I could point people to.
Tagged with: social media, explainer
Where I talk about what I'm doing with FreeBSD
USBugs - April 2021
I struggled for about a year trying to solve a problem that apparently turned out to be a hardware bug.
Tagged with: hardware bugs, freebsd, linux, frustration, way too many words
Entries that don't really fit anywhere else
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